Project Overview

Project Overview

Over 45,000 square foot facility with new convenient entrance from the parking lot

State-of-the-art auditorium with around 900 seats and high-quality AVL equipment for an optimal worship experience

The expansion of the PC Kids environment including a new check-in area

A spacious lobby with a cafe designed for people to gather and build relationships

God is working in and through People’s Church Indianapolis! We are seeing 1,000 people worshiping on Sundays and so many lives are being changed. God has done incredible things already and we know it’s just the beginning! Because of how God is moving, our Indianapolis Campus is quickly outgrowing their current space and we need to create room for many more people to find hope in Christ through our People’s Church Indianapolis Campus.

Our goal is to expand our current Indianapolis Campus from 30,000 to 45,000 square feet with a brand new entrance conveniently located near the main parking lot; additional prime parking spaces for new families; a newly-renovated, state-of-the-art auditorium with approximately 900 seats; high-quality AVL equipment for an optimal worship experience; the expansion of the PC Kids environment including a new check-in area; a designated Next Gen space for students; updated restrooms; and a spacious lobby with a café designed for people to gather and build relationships.

God has so much MORE for Indianapolis and this expanded space will allow more people to Know God, Grow in God, Discover Their Purpose, and Make a Difference! Every time we’ve added seats, God has added souls! It’s never been about us. It has always been about the people who are not here yet.

Your Opportunity

People’s Church is what it is today because someone before you gave sacrificially. Someone saw with eyes of faith the lives that would be changed at our Indy campus before you even walked through the door. Every Sunday, you get to enjoy the benefits and blessings because of someone’s sacrificial giving. Now everyone at our Indy campus will have the opportunity to pave the way for someone else to experience life change. We are asking everyone at our Indianapolis Campus to give toward the Indy building’s project cost of $3M over the next three years.

People’s Church Indy isn’t made of one or two people, but a couple of thousand people who make up what we say at the end of every service – “We’re Family!” As a church family, it will take each of us prayerfully deciding in our hearts what God wants us to give over and above our normal tithes and offerings in order to accomplish this goal.

As you ask God to speak to you, you can be sure your next step will require faith. But you will never regret trusting God and obeying His voice. Think about this: people that you haven’t yet met are going to give their life to Christ and spend eternity in heaven because of your faith in this season. Just like we started out together back in the day at the Fall Creek Valley Middle School, we are going all in on this journey together. And as we step out together, we are going to see God do MORE at People’s Church!

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